Coming Soon!

An online platform for learning the Farmbot GreenHouse Program

This part of the site will cover

Access to tracked online learning

Using Google Classroom we will be creating a Farmbot GreenHouse Learning Managment site that will allow students from the area and any student around the world to learn the details of the Farmbot GreenHouse Program.

Student online profiles

Using our Google Sheets and SmartSheets we will be able to manage the progress and present the information with each person personal Dashboard. In addition we will be able to connect each person progress to their level and also present the awards/badges they have acquired to them and to all relevant parties.

The outcomes and rewards

Each student will have their own profile thus all of their work and progress will be tracked and the appropriate level and awards can be attribute to each student. Allowing them to recieve points that will accumulate into levels and rewards such as our custom made Eco Technicans Bomber Jackets.